e.g. PE plans

PE Lesson from Liz Goldsmith
Content / Learning Experience

Introduction (Engagement) (15 minutes)

  • Introduce Traditional Indigenous Game – ‘Kai’ 
  • Provide background – ‘Kai’ comes from the Torres Strait Islands and involves players standing in a circle as they hit a ball up in the air with the palms of their hands. Object of the game is to keep the ball up in the air as long as possible. Ball made from fruit from the ‘Kai’ tree. (Land Links) 
  • Discuss sport of today – materials used, skills required. 
  • Compare and contrast to Traditional Indigenous Games. 

Body (Exploration/Transformation/Presentation) (20 minutes)

  • Model how to play ‘Kai’ using beach ball. 
  • Discuss strategies Ss might use when playing ‘Kai’ – how hard to hit the ball, how to direct the ball, communication with others in group. 
  • Ss in groups of six.
  • Provide opportunity for guided practice – provide guidance, feedback and encouragement as required. 
  • Ss to play ‘Kai’ within their groups, aiming to continually improve how long they can keep the beach ball in the air. 
  • Ss to communicate both verbally and non-verbally to improve their success. (Non-verbal) 
  • Extension – Increase difficulty of game by adding more balls in the circle (eg. mini soccer balls, tennis balls). 

Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection) (10 minutes)

  • Ss to reflect on ‘Kai’ – identify strategies which they found as being effective in keeping the ball in the air longer (eg. communication, peer support, hand-hitting action, force used to hit ball, directing ball appropriately). 
  • Relate ‘Kai’ to sport today – encourage Ss to relate to and appreciate rich culture of Indigenous Australians. 
  • Discuss innovativeness of Indigenous Australians – making their own equipment; living off the land; building of shelters. 
  • Introduce Resource (Alternative ‘Kai’ balls – see accompanying images ) – briefly discuss how balls were made and advise Ss to think about how they would construct their own ‘Kai’ ball for next lesson. (Non-linear) 

NB. Further reflection to take place in Part B of teaching experience. 

Assessment Techniques
Teaching Strategies

  • Ss seated as a class for introduction. 
  • Provide verbal and visual support to introduction. 
  • Open ended questioning to encourage engagement and gauge understanding – prompt and provide guidance as necessary. 
  • Encourage small group discussion – groups then report to the class. 
  • Effective modelling of how to successfully play ‘Kai’. 
  • Ss split into groups and spread out appropriately to play ‘Kai’. 
  • Provide specific feedback and encouragement. 
  • Guided practice opportunity. 
  • Observation of indicators – hand-hitting technique, evidence of effective teamwork / communication. 
  • Questioning and provision of appropriate feedback. 
  • Ss to be seated as a whole class for conclusion, reflective discussion and to introduce Resource and lead into following lesson. 
  • Did Ss communicate effectively and positively throughout? 
  • Does student discussion and feedback demonstrate their understanding / knowledge regarding the lifestyle of indigenous Australians prior to 1788? 
  • Do Ss effectively relate today’s lesson to indigenous Australians – compare and contrast. 
  • Do Ss demonstrate higher order thinking – adopting an indigenous perspective?


next lesson

Visual images of ‘Kai’, ‘Kalkadoon Kee’an’ and ‘Koolchee Koolchee’ 

Content / Learning Experience
Introduction (Engagement) (5 minutes)

  • Review Traditional Indigenous game ‘Kai’ from previous lesson.
  • Reflect on innovativeness of Traditional Indigenous Games.
  • Recap discussions on sports equipment, skills required by Indigenous Australians prior to 1788 – compare and contrast to today.
  • Display images of ‘Kalkadoon Kee’an’ and ‘Koolchee Koolchee’ – provide background and discuss materials used then vs what we could use now.

Body (Exploration/Transformation/Presentation) (30 minutes)

  • Discuss how Aboriginal Australians used the environment to not only make sports equipment but also sourced their food and shelter. 
  • Provide a variety of materials – Ss in pairs to design and construct their own ball which could be used in ‘Kai’. (Non-linear) 
  • Consider / discuss design process – which materials will be appropriate.
  • Show Ss an example (see Resource) of a ball made from available materials – model how ball was constructed. (Deconstruct / Reconstruct)
  • Ss in pairs, to make their own ball. 


Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection) (10 minutes)

  • Reflect on lives of Indigenous Australians. Ss to explain how their understanding has changed / developed as a result of learning experiences. 
  • Compare and contrast to life today – encourage Ss to adopt an indigenous perspective (Land Links) 
  • At next available opportunity - Ss to try out their own ‘Kai’ balls – discuss why certain balls worked better than others (materials, construction etc). 


Assessment Techniques
Teaching Strategies

  • Ss seated as a class for introductory / recap discussion. 
  • Open ended questioning to gauge understanding and encourage engagement – prompting and guiding as necessary. 
  • Use of visual images (of other Traditional Indigenous Games). 
  • Discussion of how provided materials could be used to design and construct their own ‘Kai’ ball. 
  • Do Ss show appropriate consideration to the designing and construction of their ‘Kai’ balls? 
  • Do Ss describe and justify why and how they used certain materials? 
  • Questioning and class discussion to conclude and adequately reflect on learning experience.